I recently won the swim portion of one of my Tri's, and was rewarded with a gift certificate. I decided to put it to good use and buy a trainer. (Using a strength to help strengthen a weakness, or something like that)
With the help of my coach, we devised (mostly her though:) ) a set to try to figure out my ideal cadence.
I did 7x2min with 2:30 rest in-between, increasing my cadence by 5 each interval until I was at 100. By tracking HR, you can find your threshold (the ideal place for you to be working at) to be your most efficient. Pretty cool!
Active things done today:75 Min Weightlifting, 1.75 hr Swimming, 1 hr Bike (drill work)
That is a nice trainer. I love using mine when I have to. You've had a full workout day so far. Good job!