Friday, May 21, 2010

Ides of May

It's a sad testament when spring leaves you drained and uninspired, but alas, that's college. Finals are over and 98% of students have gone home, and guess what, I'm still here. I'm a townie (live in the same town that I go to school in), and not altogether proud of that fact. Don't get me wrong, I love my school, department, team and town, but it wears on me. I run, bike, and swim in all the same routes, roads and lanes that I did when I was a little tyke learning to be an athlete. I run to the same park that I played in when I was two, ran a meet in middle school, and ran speed workouts at in high school. Comforting, yes, but also possibly bad for my mental health.

And so, I turn to the only sure-fire way to give my mind a short (and free) vacation: Books. Not just any books, running books. It's easy to get caught up in surroundings or schedules, and for me as a swimmer, a borderline militaristic training routine. One of my favorites to get me out of such a funk is _Ultramarathon Man_ by Dean Karnazes, it reminds me of the pure joy and freedom I associate with Triathlons. Going only where your body can take you, by land, sea, or wheel. One of my favorite quotes from this book is when Dean is asked by a reporter how he is running 200 miles, his response:

"I ran the first hundred miles with my legs, the next ninety miles with my mind, and I guess I'm running this last part with my heart"

Body. Mind. Inspiration.
All you really need!

Active things done today: 5 miles power walk, 1.75 hrs Swim

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